HECO Chain, a decentralized and energy efficient public chain for developers goes live in the Klever Wallet.
Klever and Heco have collaborated to introduce parameters within the Klever app; these features are now available as part of Klever's new Android and iOS update.
New Features include:
Heco Chain blockchain support
HT Send/Receive
HT Staking
With Klever Wallet, you can easily and securely receive and send using HT. In addition, we have activated our Charge feature, perfect for selling products or billing for services using HT.
Klever staking of HT is a sort after feature which now seamlessly integrates into the Klever Wallet App.
What is Heco Chain (HT)?
Heco Chain (Heco) is a public chain that is decentralized, high-efficiency, and energy-saving. The chain supports smart contracts and high-performance transactions. Heco's endogenous token is HT, and it implements HPoS as its consensus mechanism. Ethereum's efficiency will be improved by Heco's Layer2 system, which will enhance and empower the Ethereum ecosystem.
With the world's largest trading ecosystem at its disposal, Heco is committed to becoming the birthplace of innovative technologies and businesses, building a complete eco-system that includes technology development, application promotion, and trading.
In December 2020, the HECO Chain, Heco officially launched its "Tinder" phase, which will focus on improving the on-chain infrastructure, including but not limited to: Oracles, Voting tools, Anchor Coins, DEX, Lending, Financial Management, Insurance, Synthetic Assets, Cross-Chain Solutions, Data Analysis, Smart Contract Innovation, etc.
Currently, HECO is in the "Spark" phase, focusing on improving the developer and user experience and infrastructure.
Heco’s Performance showcases a TPS of 2000+ with an average block interval of 3s.
Consensus Mechanism
An HPoS consensus mechanism achieves high transaction concurrency with low transaction costs and low transaction delays.
The maximum number of validators supported is 21.
Economic Model
HT is the endogenous token on the chain; transactions consume HT as gas fees.
A miner pledges HT to be a validator node. Gas fees are distributed according to the mortgage proportion as rewards for nodes.
With an asset bridge, assets such as BTC, ETH, and stable coins can be mapped to Heco. It involves locking a certain number of tokens on the original chain, then generating the corresponding number of tokens on Heco.
Heco Technical Characteristics
A decentralized, open network that maintains the security of the network and its assets.
Support EVM programmability and smart contracts compatibility to reduce migration and development costs.
Meta-transaction function: gas fee reduction, effectively reducing the cost to developers and users on the chain.
Optimize the user experience by supporting cross-chain asset transfers.
We hope you will enjoy our new Klever Wallet features to the fullest.
By Warren Manuel