Klever Swap currently offers direct swap for over 200 trading pairs, saving users both time and money by offering a convenient and fast way to convert cryptocurrencies as a one-click solution. The swap is conducted by fully autonomous bots, built in-house, which continuously seek the best exchange rate and prices among the top exchanges, and then execute the Swap with high precision, security and speed.
Klever aims to minimize the Swap fees to its users. Currently, Swap fees are as follows:
- Klever Swap fee is 0.55% of the swapped amount.
- User can reduce the Swap fee and get 25% reduction by choosing to pay the fee in KLV token.
- User can further reduce the Swap fee by holding a certain amount of KLV in the wallet. There are 10 VIP tiers inside Klever Wallet starting from VIP 0 for users holding less than 100K KLV (no further reduction) to VIP 9 for users holding more than 9M KLV (highest possible fee reduction).
The picture below displays a table which details the Swap fees for each VIP tier when fee is not paid in KLV and when fee is paid in KLV. You can see this table inside the Klever Wallet app while swapping by tapping on VIP icon from top-right corner. Then, tapping on REDUCE FEES.
- VIP icon appears only when you are swapping a Tron-based token. This is because the further reduction based on VIP tiers applies only in this case.
- Based on the Blockchain of the swapped token, user get also charged a network fee. This fee goes to Blockchain miners/validators, not to Klever. It is required to perform the tokens transfer from users wallet to Klever Team wallet before swapping. Klever Swap works like that because Klever Wallet is a non-custody wallet.
- Network fee has to paid in the Blockchain main token. For examples, to swap TRC20 token user should have at least 10 TRX in the same Account; to swap BEP20 token user should have BEP20 BNB; to swap BEP2 token user should have BEP2 BNB; to swap ERC20 token user should have ETH; to swap Polygon token user should have Polygon MATIC. We refer to Bscscan gas tracker, Etherscan gas tracker and Polygonscan gas tracker for information about the average network fees for swapping BEP20, ERC20 and Polygon tokens.