You can stake ERC20 MATIC token inside Klever Wallet and earn rewards. The staking of ERC20 MATIC is performed on an Ethereum smart contract, and thus it requires to pay some gas fees in ETH. When you stake ERC20 MATIC for the first time, you have to approve the staking process and sign on some related terms. After, you can stake anytime directly.
How to accept and sign staking terms:
Step 1
Tap on ERC20 MATIC token from your Portfolio screen, then switch to the desired Account.
Step 2
Inside the ERC20 MATIC Account, tap on STAKING icon.
Step 3
Select a fee type, then tap on I agree and I want to sign button. Note, you have to sign the staking terms only in the first time.
Step 4
Tap on Submit Transaction button to confirm the transaction.
Step 5
Sign the transaction by providing your PIN code or using your biometrics.
How to stake ERC20 MATIC token:
Step 1
After accepting the terms, you will reach the staking screen. Tap on Staking button to proceed.
Step 2
Select a validator from the list to delegate your votes to it.
Step 3
Input the amount of ERC20 MATIC to stake, then tap on Next button.
Step 4
Select a fee type, then tap on Next button to proceed.
Step 5
Sign the transaction by providing your PIN code or using your biometrics.
You can find the list of all validators and more information on: Polygon Staking page.