You can stake TRX inside Klever Wallet to earn rewards paid in KLV token. When you stake TRX, your TRX will be locked for 3 days. You cannot unstake or transfer the staked TRX during the 3 days period. After 3 days, you can unstake your TRX any time.
You can unstake TRX inside Klever Wallet as follows:
Step 1
Tap on TRX token from your Portfolio screen, then switch to the desired Account.
Step 2
Inside the TRX Account, tap on STAKING icon.
Step 3
Inside staking screen, tap on Withdraw button at the bottom of the screen.
Step 4
Tap on Confirm button to approve the unstaking process.
Step 5
At the end, sign the transaction by providing your PIN code or using your biometrics.