Like everything, intents to make that process as simple as possible securely. has several ways how you can deposit your coins – you are always just one click away to reload your balance for fast and uncomplicated trading experience.
How to deposit at
Staying on the trading screen, you can reach the deposit option in two different ways:
- go to your name on top right at the window and select Deposit
- go to the trading part, where you can buy and sell, there you can find the link to Deposit your funds
On the following screen, you can select what coin you want to deposit. Just enter the coin ticker or use the drop-down by clicking on the select coin field.
Once you selected the coin you want to deposit, the address to send your coins too show up, as well as the QR code, so you can just read the address with your mobile.
After sending your coins to the address, the funds will be getting deposited after the transaction got confirmed on the blockchain and the funds got booked to your account.
The time differs due to different speed of network confirmations on all blockchains.
As soon as the transaction reached the exchange, you can find the details about it below at the Recent Deposit part. There you can see the date, amount, transaction hash and so on for traceability