Klever Wallet supports the native REEF token, as well as, Binance BEP-20 and Ethereum ERC-20 REEF tokens.
You can deposit BEP-20 REEF and ERC-20 REEF to Klever Wallet as follows:
- Add BEP-20/ERC-20 REEF token to your Klever Wallet Portfolio
https://klever.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058062631-How-to-add-new-token-to-your-Portfolio - Deposit BEP-20/ERC-20 REEF to Klever Wallet
Once you have BEP-20/ERC-20 REEF inside Klever Wallet you can convert it to native REEF as follows:
You have to select BEP-20/ERC-20 REEF as first token and REEF as second token. Note, to convert BEP-20 REEF you should have some BEP-20 BNB to pay network fee, and to convert ERC-20 REEF you should have some ERC-20 ETH to pay the network fee. Network fee is not fixed and depends on the blockchain network. You need what is enough to make one transaction.
Once you have native REEF token you can bond and nominate it to receive rewards as follows:
- Bond native REEF token (similar to freezing)
https://klever.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404321980436-How-to-Bond-REEF-inside-Klever-Wallet - Then nominate a validator (similar to voting)
Note to bond REEF and also to nominate a validator you should have a small amount of REEF in your wallet. So it is not a good idea to bond 100% of REEF.