Welcome to the 5th edition of our Technical Development Progress Report where today we'll share more about the company culture of the day-to-day work at Klever.
Last week was very challenging and the team once more came through on all tasks! So, I just want to say thank all Klever Team members for the amazing valued job done and let’s keep the pace!
Thank you also to the global KLV community for the constant support and feedback!
All we do, we do for you!
Choose a Job You Love, and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in Your Life.
Seems that science agreed with the anonymous author of this statement. People that are happy at work are 13% more productive according Research by Oxford University's Saïd Business School. And the opposite could be costly to companies according the HBR authors Emma Seppala and Kim Cameron:
“In studies by the Queens School of Business and by the Gallup Organization, disengaged workers had 37% higher absenteeism, 49% more accidents, and 60% more errors and defects. In organizations with low employee engagement scores, they experienced 18% lower productivity, 16% lower profitability, 37% lower job growth, and 65% lower share price over time.” (source: HBR)
Based on those numbers and studies we here at Klever take our organizational culture very seriously, looking to create the best environment for our team members to work in.
Being an innovative company is inside our DNA, our culture needs to reflect that fact.
Thinking in key points to improve a positive and innovative work environment we cultivated nice primary principles:
Remote & Global;
Asynchronous communication;
Learn from failures;
Take ownership;
Be the best version of ourselves;
Remote & Global
Our users are spread across the globe and we reflect this inside the company by having devs, engineers and employees from every part of the world.
At Klever we don't see boundaries and Klever has employees, staff and collaborators in the Americas, Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia and Oceania. Instead of spending effort and vast amount of money on fancy offices, we at Klever take care of our staff in a very personal and family style way. So in a way, we redirect the office budget to our HR, looking to attract and retain the best talents in the industry.
Asynchronous communication
Due to our Remote and Global nature we cultivate an asynchronous communication. This means that it's ok if I send a message to my co-worker and he or she is not available to answer instantly. He or she will answer in the best time for him/her.
Best time can be because the time zone, because the daily routine of my co-worker or because he or she is a coder and he/she is coding and concentrated at the time of the message. So, as soon as possible my co-worker will answer me in the best time. This helps a lot to create engagement from our collaborators.
In terms of communications here at Klever we are “flat” in structure to enable collaboration, openness and creativity among ourselves.
In many traditional “top-down” companies the C-level staff is so untouchable and unreachable in too many ways. Their communications between operations to strategic levels are concentrated in a few hands like top managers, creating the “men in the middle” effect that according many studies cause miscommunication between the strategy of the company (C-level) and the staff that are implementing the strategy, causing a distortion on the priorities and direction of the goals.
That's why many traditional companies created the term “bottom-up” company. It is a good initiative. In this “bottom-up” model some companies create events like “brunch with the CEO” that may occur once a month. It's an attempt to mitigate the issue of the “men in the middle” effect, trying to short the communication between C-level and people on the “factory floor”.
Here at Klever we just don't have any kind of hierarchy when the topic is collaborate. Anyone can call our CEO anytime, anywhere, our staff don't need an agenda once a month to talk with our CEO, CTO, CFO, or any other C-level staff. If anyone needs to collaborate with another staff member, we encourage to do it directly without intermediaries that could create a misunderstanding of the communication or hamper the collaboration.
The main idea is to create bridges between our staff members facilitating the mutual collaboration with full power. A recipe that is working fantastic for the productivity and creativity of the Klever team.
Learn from failures
Here at Klever we encourage our staff to not being afraid to fail. We don’t want to fail, but if it occurs, we focus on the solution, and after we solved the issues caused by the failure, we do a “postmortem” analysis and learn from that failure.
This helps a lot to create an innovative and creative environment with each team member being so utterly committed with the Klever products always thinking out of the box for any solution created.
Take ownership
We encourage our staff to take 100% of responsibility of any task assigned. Thinking as if you are the owner of Klever.
We do our best to create a mindset among each one on the Klever staff to promote and achieve financial freedom. As a counterpart, we encourage and create a positive environment to be accountable with the daily tasks with our products, users and community.
Be the best version of ourselves
We support our staff members to have a balanced life. Be the best professional that you can be. Work in your best time, be accountable, take decisions based on knowledge and do some meditation to improve your emotional intelligence. If you are growing in your professional area this will reflect in your personal life too. So, be the best father, best husband, and so on. It's a calling: Be the best version of yourself!
In an innovative, remote and global company this is mandatory! We need to embrace our differences looking for disruptive solutions that aggregate all different points of view from our staff members and community.
“Together we can move mountains and make anything possible.” - Dio Ianakiara
All decisions taken in Klever are based on knowledge and experience! We always encourage our Klever team members to analyze numbers, conduct research and remove their ego from the equation. All in all, we never take any decision based on personal ego!
“There is no limit to what can be accomplished if it doesn't matter who gets the credit.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
We value teamwork to extreme levels. Each one in Klever is encouraged to ask and provide help to their co-workers. This is one of the crucial principles that we cultive in our company. It is so powerful. And you can see it so vividly in the day-by-day events inside Klever. When any co-worker is stuck and more than one offers help, and in some cases call to a pair programming session. Most important is to reach the squad goal and not individual goals.
Now, let's see the overall progress in other squads this past week:
Klever Exchange
Klever Wallet
Klever Hard Wallet
Klever Workspace
I hope you enjoyed hearing more about our organizational culture this week and the general technical progress made by our team. I can't wait to see you next week!
Bruno Campos
CTO at Klever