Want to have multiple accounts on multiple blockchains, all managed seamlessly in one wallet? Klever Wallet was made for this purpose. Follow the steps below on how to create additional accounts in Klever.
Klever Wallet enables our users to create and manage multiple accounts for each blockchain supported in the Klever ecosystem.
This means that you can have an unlimited number of accounts for BTC, BCH, ETH, TRX, BNB, LTC, XRP, DOGE, DGB, DASH, SYS, REEF and KSM in Klever Wallet (if you use more than 50 accounts, this requires high-speed internet).
Follow the steps below to create an additional Accounts inside Klever Wallet:
Step 1
Tap on the (+) icon in the top right corner of your Portfolio screen.
Step 2On the Add Accounts screen, tap on Create Account button.
Step 3In the Create screen you will be able to choose the blockchain upon which you want to create additional Accounts.
Step 4
Choose how many Accounts on this blockchain you want to create.
Step 5
Name your new Accounts if you want. You can also rename Accounts at a later stage in your Address Book.
Step 6
Tap on Create button.