K5 Wallet allows you to import an external Account in Watch Mode using its Public Address. Adding an Account in Watch Mode allows you to trace the balance and all transfers that happen inside that Account. However, you cannot access the funds inside it.
For instance, you can receive tokens on a Watch Mode Account but you cannot send tokens from it.
Note: Beware of Scammers who try to sell these watch mode accounts, you cannot make any transactions as it is "Watch only". To be able to access the funds inside an Account you have to import it using its private key.
The Steps below illustrate how to import an Account in Watch Mode:
1. Tap on the balance icon from the home screen.
2. Tap on the(+) icon in the top right corner of your next screen.
3. On the Add Accounts screen, tap on Watch mode button.
4. Select the blockchain, then enter an Account name and the Account address.
5. Once done, tap on Add Account button and enter your 6-digit pin to add the account in watch mode.
In the below picture, we have added "1Kr6QSydW9bFQG1mXiPNNu6WpJGmUa9i1g" in watch mode where only users can see the transaction made and users can use the watch mode address to receive the tokens but you cannot make the transaction from this Account.